
Release Notes

Latest at the top

Notes for version 6.08.00

  Developers: Alex McDonald, Dirk Busch, Ezra Boyce, George Hubert
              and others
  CVS:        provided by Ron Aaron 
  Library:    John Peters
  W32F now uses versions of the form
          Version numbers: v.ww.rr
          v   Major version
          ww  Minor version
          rr  Release
  Odd minor version numbers are possibly unstable beta test code (for
  example, 6.07.12). Even minor versions are "production" releases;
  the release number will increment if there are fixes. For "
  Major bug fixes, enhancements and other feature will be added to
  the next odd-numbered release.
  A new install program is driven from SETUP.BAT. Several batch files
  have been modified to simplify the build process.
    SETUP.BAT       -- runs the setup program, rebuilds the entire
                       system from scratch
    _MAKEALL.BAT    -- remakes the entire system, but doesn't do a
                       full install
    META.BAT        -- meta compiles a new kernel
    MAKEWINED.BAT   -- rebuilds WINED
    MAKEINDEX.BAT   -- rebuilds the word indices used by WINED
    MAKEFORTHFORM.BAT -- rebuilds the W32F Forms Generator
    See SRC\FORTHFORM for the application and instructions.
    "ForthForm.F  A Free Form Designer for Win32Forth by Ezra Boyce
    Written to simplify the design of forms with user design classes
    of controls. The generated file can be saved as a forth file (.f)
    or pasted into one's program and modified as needed."
  Extensive changes were made to most of the files that built
  assembler code words. There are now three sections built in an
  1. A CODE section that contains all the assembler code words 
  2. A DATA (or APP) section that constains colon defs and data
  3. A SYSTEM (or DICTIONARY) section that contains dictionary entries
  This has improved the performance of W32F by separating out code
  and data. The word .FREE shows these sections:
        Section Address        Total      Used      Free
        ------- ---------  --------- --------- ---------
        CODE    00000000h     40,960    15,410    25,550
        APP     0000A000h    761,856   247,584   514,272
        SYSTEM  000C4000h    512,000   205,440   306,560
        Malloc/Pointer:       21,704 ok
  Extensive chnages made to the way that W32F holds information about
  loaded files. During an EXTEND, the W32F source files used during
  the build are now held as absolute file names. This simplifies the
  movement of applications that might refer to the source via VIEW or
  EDIT words. 
  Internal changes were made to the headers built in the dictionary.
  This has no effect on application programs (except for the bugs
  noted below).
  Some work has begun on generalising the META compiler so that other
  images, apart from the current FKERNEL.IMG, can be generated in
  meta-compile mode. Work will continue to make this more flexible.
  For detailed information on bugs fixed, please see SRC\VERSION.F
  for details.
  If you discover a bug, please post your note to win32forth@, giving as much information as possible. Your input
  is appreciated.
  There are two temporary fixes to known bugs in this version.
  1.[ NFORGET.F doesn't forget properly. Due to changes in the
  dictionary structure with 6.06.xx, the link field is now at a lower
  address than the NFA; this causes the dictionary to be incorrectly
  trimmed and potentially corrupted when it is  added to after ANEW,
  MARKER or FORGET has been executed. ] 
  The code has been modified to work without corruption; there may be
  the occasional spurious "XXX is isn't unique" message after ANEW,
  FORGET or MARKER. It can safely be ignored, as XXX doesn't in fact
  exist. You are advised NOT to TURNKEY or APPLICATION if you have
  2.[ OPTIMIZE.F does NOT work, and generates incorrect code. Cause
  by the changes to a CODE ony section; some debugging will be
  required to work out how to best get the optimiser working again. ]
  The code has been modified to work correctly; however, the code is
  built into the APP section, not the new CODE section, so there may
  be occasional performance hits caused by optimising.
  There are several unknown bugs. They have not been found yet.
  The following words have been REMOVED from the system:
    CD (a synonym of CHDIR)
    E  (     "       EDIT)
    B  (     "       BROWSE)
  due to conflicts with hex numbers of the same "name". To restore
  these words, please FLOAD COMPAT.F  

Notes for version 6.06

Minor changes
Several minor changes to improve the performance of the kernel, and to tidy
up the code.

Notes for version 6.05

501B Kernel
  Change of numbering. VRRF where V is version of the kernel, RR is a release
  and F is a fix version (or something pretty small) from the previous release.
Major changes
  Changes were made to the following files:
    A new file TASK.F was added.
    MULTITHR.F is now obsolete.
  Changes to support better handling of stacks and user-words was made that do not 
  affect any code except those that use the now obsolete MULTITHR.F. As TASK.F is 
  not yet complete, accurate discussion of it is deferred until it stabilises.
  Please note that the kernel is thread-aware, not thread safe. The
  following kernel words are all thread-safe:
  . file i/o
  . dynamic memory allocation words (allocate, free etc)
  . most standard forth words.
  The following are NOT thread-safe:
  . console i/o (but see the demos for a primitive console locking mechanism)
  . any forth word that allocates space in the data space (for 
    instance, if the words invoked use , allot etc)
  . any forth word that allocates space in the dictionary (for 
    instance, if the words invoked use create value variable etc).
  Basically, compile time words are out. Other than that, tasks are 
  just ordinary words that take a parameter. Example:
  : foo ( parm -- flag )
    ...  \ do something tasky with parm
    1    \ return a flag
  0 value new-task
  10 ' foo task-block to new-task  \ create a new task block for foo
  new-task run-task                \ and run it
  or, if you're not interested managing in the task once you've started it:
  10 ' foo task-block run-task
  New task words: create-task run-task suspend-task resume-task stop-task 
  task-sleep task-block task-stop? TCB
  New lock words (process specific): lock unlock trylock make-lock
LOCALS support
  Some changes in FKERNEL.F, PRIMHASH.F to more quickly initialise locals. Further
  changes will be made to speed up further.
Windows Version
  New words WIN95 WIN98 WINME WINNT351 WINNT4 WIN2K WINXP and WINVER. These can
  be used to check for a version, say Win2K or greater; 
FLOAD and other file words
  Most (not all) have been changed to use PARSE-S$ rather than BL WORD. This allows
  file names with imbedded blanks to be handled if they are delimeted by " (double)
  or ' (single) quotes. Further work required here.
Other changes
  CALLBACK.F -- all callback routines have been moved out of the kernel. The word
                WNDPROC is no longer supported (it was just a 4 CALLBACK).
  CLASS.F    -- FIND has a bug (in MSGFIND) that returns found for any variable x.y
                if x exists, regardless of whether it is an object. An attempt has
                been made at a temporary fix that checks X is an object (but as yet 
                it does not check that Y is a variable or method).
  CONTROL.F  -- all subclassing moved here out of the kernel.
  DIALOG.F   -- WNDPROC changed to a callback - see callback.f
  ENVIRON.F  -- bug fix, spotted by Leo Wong that LOCALS support was incorrectly 
  FKERNEL.F  -- changes to the deferred call mechanism, and a bug fix when loading
                libraries that were not available. The call mechanism was modified
                to make it easier to call routines from assembler.
  WINLIB.F   -- very minor performance enhancements
  META.F and FKERNEL.F -- changes to use the word CFA-CODE instead of LABEL, or 
                CREATE x INIT-ASSEMBLER. Cleaner and more easily maintained.
  NFORGET.F  -- was forgetting too much, especially about vocabularies when ANEW
                was executed. RBS change in marker removed.
  PRIMUTIL.F -- new word .. to RESET-STACKS.
  VCALL.F    -- optimised.
\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Notes for version 4.9C

Consolidation release. Changes here include 4.0A, 4.1B, and 4.1B patches, and various changes
contributed by RBS, JvdVen, Ron Aaron, JAP.
  Major reworking of disassembler. If you don't like the new version you can revert to the
  old disassembler by replacing with 486ASM.OLD
  Major changes to remove the following:
  These were ALLOTed as up to 256 byte strings. Now they are allocated on the stack at initialisation
  time, and reduce the total size of the image by around 1.5K. See : COLD for details.
  Major changes to support better callbacks. See CALLBACK.F.
  Other minor optimisations.
  Now always asks during compile of Win32For.exe whether a FIXED LOADPOINT or RELATIVE LOADPOINT
  should be built. Requested by Jos vd Ven.
  Some of the CALLBACK functionality has been incorporated into the kernel. This reduces the
  number of pieces of code that create callback type code, and simplifies debugging.
  Exception handling now uses a process wide exception handler to trap all OS generated errors
  in Win32Forth. This has required disabling the _try code in FKERNEL.EXE. See EXCEPTIO.F for
  how to use this feature. 
  Minor changes to the fload order.
  Minor changes to improve the doc and the messages produced for FIXED and RELATIVE loadpoint code.
  Removed all FWAITs. These haven't been needed since 386 coprocessors!
  Improved versioning, Win32For.exe now shows message with an explicit origin.
  Version: 6.03 Build: 0001
   Experimental Build Kernel V4.9C at origin 0x00000000
  Clears the MALLOC links during FSVAE and TURNKEY to prevent errors in allocation. Clears the
  exception record.
  Support trim on PROCs and LIBs. Added POSSIBLY and new version of ANEW.
  Support multiple windows for a single menu
  Added deferred CRTAB, new chain for NFORGET.F
\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Notes for version 3.9K

  Real mistake -- had compiled kernel via several versions, and introduced 2 major changes
  which don't compile from raw -- only from an intermediate -- version.
  1. Added NALIGNED to kernel, but this stops META which uses it. Added
        CODE NALIGNED   ( addr n -- addr2 )
                        mov    eax, ebx         \ n
                        dec    eax              \ n-1
                        neg    ebx              \ -n
                        pop    ecx              \ addr
                        add    eax, ecx         \ addr+n-1
                        and    ebx, eax         \ addr+n-1 and -n
                        next   c;
  which can be removed once this becomes the base.
  2. In DIALOG.F changed load-dialog to load from subdirectory RES. Again, meta uses
     old version, so it doesn't get loaded. Bypass - copy metadlg.res and metadlg.h
     to the <forth> directory. Delete once compiled.
    Lost a change here in 3.3D, don't know why, reinstated. Same as last time with SEE.F

Notes for version 3.9J 

  Objective of this set of changes:
  1. New META build dialog to accomodate future enhancements.
  2. Corrected some minor bugs in previous beta releases
  Version 3.9J is a release candidate.
  NOte: 3.3D existed in two forms, one bust, one not. 
3.3E to 3.9J
    _INTERPRET changes:
        3.3D INTERPRET changes removed, too experimental at this point. These will be added
        back in once some improvements to the handling of options set by meta compile have
        been completed. If you want the enhancements, add them back in from 3.3D
    BUG: Reinstated TIB, removed in error from FORTH dictionary, noticed by RBS. Fixed.
    Added function NALIGNED, like ALIGNED except aligns to any 2^n boundary.
  METADLG.F  <=== NEW FILE! (3.4E)
    File to support new META dialog. See META for details.
    New dialog using METADLG.F, all non-operable features are disabled. Allows:
    1. Build EXE file at relocatable loadpoint (default). This will not have the NEXT/EXEC
    2. Build EXE at fixed loadpoint. This WILL have the NEXT/EXEC optimisations (see 3.1B
       changes under ASMWIN.F for details)
    Other minor changes in support of this feature, including slightly clearer output from
    the build process.
    Lost a change here in 3.3D, don't know why, reinstated.
    390000 value version#
    Updated as above to allow the version printed from the kernel to be built automatically
    rather than by updating the source. Note the slightly odd construct, can be typed with
      &KVER SP@ 4 TYPE DROP 3.9J 
    &KVER in the kernel is an alias of KVER in VERSION.F 
    Modified to read from <forth>\res directory. All .RES, .H files moved here.

Notes for version 3.3D

  Objective of this set of changes:
  1. Restore some of the wrapper! Print stuff now back in.
  2. Modified FORTH.C and TERM.C junked -- using originals for the moment. This
     has no overall effect EXCEPT that the code is now no longer thread safe.
     RBS addmods.bat now works OK. Use w32Forth_rbs_v6r0512.exe as a base.
  3. Performance enhancements -- new technique gets another 1 to 3% improvement in
  Version 3.3D is a consolidation release, with a few minor enhancements.
  1. Bug: term-alloc was being called at the wrong time, and malloc-link (the head 
     of allocated memory) was not being set to zero when building an image, causing
     all sorts of errors.
  1. 3.1B changes removed, now uses original files.
  XPRTDLG.F  <=== NEW FILE! (3.1B)
  1. Now no longer in EXTEND.F, code uses original print features
  Notes for version 3.1B 04/10/2002 15:50:52
  Read in conjunction with 1.9G, 2.9G
  Objective of this set of changes:
  1. Remove more of the wrapper. Now only terminal I/O is left to do.
  2. Support building of EXE using PE header - some misc changes, particularly building 
     fixed loadpoint images (see below for specifics)
  3. Performance enhancements -- up to 30% improvements on CPU intensive code without
     requiring the optimiser. See How to Use at the bottom.
  Version 3.1B is the most experimental yet, but appears to be very stable and does not
  cause any problems with the demo programs and in particular WINED. I'm managing to keep
  to my program goals of not requiring any changes in developed apps while these enhancements
  to the underlying Win32Forth system take place. BUT:
  NOTE  *3.1B is a testing release, not a release candidate*
  I have yet to work out how all the kernel XCALLS work, and have made an attempt to 
  rewrite the printing stuff in forth, but it is truly horrible to duplicate. 
  Looking at the MS doc, I think there are several problem areas that need addressed; 
  for instance, there's no ABORTPROC to allow the user to
  cancel printing. Work will continue on adding this to the 3.9 release candidate.
  Attempting to print won't do you any harm -- it just won't do anything.

Notes for version 3.0A thru 3.1B

  FKERNEL.EXE and KERNEL.BIN (same file, copies of each other, optional this build)
  1. Recompiled to remove redundant XCALLs.
  2. Recompiled to use thread safe libraries, as the new kernel will include
     thread support.
  This is optional, and old FKERNEL.EXE/KERNEL.BIN will work with this code. Source changes
  not included yet.
  OPTIMIZE.F had a couple of bugs.
  1. The optimiser was bombing out when the kernel was built with a non-zero origin in META
     compile. OPT-LAST was pointing to 0 address, OK when origin=0, but pointed at absolute
     0 when origin<>0. This was causing exception C0000005. Fixed.
  2. The length of the NEXT macro was hardcoded. Changes to NEXT were causing the optimiser
     to generate invalid code. Fixed.
  1. Took out MACRO NEXT and MACRO EXEC and placed in SRC\FKERNEXT.F, a new file. See below
     in ASMWIN32.F for reasons. Included from META.F, again see below.
  2. Minor changes to tidy up code
  3. Removal of file open dialog XCALLS and print XCALLS. Print stuff still bust.
  4. Took out XCALL jump table and ripped out the code in FORTH.C/TERM.C instead.
  1. Took out macro: exec and macro: next and and placed in SRC\FKERNEXT.F, a new file.
     This new file allows the NEXT and EXEC code to be changed in the one place, rather than
     have separate files (FKERNEL.F and ASMWIN32.F) possibly build different code.
  1. Bug: ORIGIN set as decimal, rather than hex, on the SAVE-MEMORY-DIALOG dialog. Fixed.
  2. Bug: NOT FIXED -- when "Don't Save" pressed, saves anyway! NOT FIXED
  1. Now loads SRC\FKERNEXT.F before FKERNEL.F. Taken out of FKERNEL.F as the line numbers
     get all screwed up if there's an FLOAD inside FKERNEL.F, and none of the code in
     FKERNEXT.F defines any words anyway.
  2. Additions to allow seperate CODE, DATA and DICTIONARY areas in the image we are 
     building. Reasons for this will be clearer when next phase is complete... Right now
     they do nothing and aren't used.
  3. Added the following words that will work in the kernel only:
       |: |CODE |NCODE
     These are the same as : CODE and NCODE but they don't build entries in the FORTH
     vocabulary. An attempt to stop "word pollution" from kernel functions.
  4. Bug: META was miscounting the size of the generated image. Fixed.
  1. Minor change: _win32forth-message changed to use SendMessageTimeout rather than
     SendMessage, which was locking up when there was a slow or dead window during the
     broadcast of the message.
  1. All of the Open/Save/New file dialog functions here. Replacement for XCALLS.
  1. All of the print dialog functions here. Replacement for XCALLS.
     SERIOUSLY BUST! Won't cause any failures if you try to print, but DOES NOTHING.
     Code moved out of ASMWIN32.F and FKERNEL.F so that definitions of NEXT and
     EXEC are next to each other for ease of edit. 
     There are two definitions, one for use in ASMWIN32.F, that builds NEXT and EXEC
     as macro: for use in assembled code; and one for META.F that builds NEXT and EXEC
     as macro definition for use in CODE and NCODE sections of FKERNEL.F.
     Relocatable definitions
       Relocatable EXEC is
                          mov ecx , [eax] [edi]
                          add ecx , edi
                          jmp ecx
       Relocatable NEXT is
                          mov     eax, 0 [esi]
                          mov     ecx, 0 [eax] [edi]
                          add     esi, # 4
                          add     ecx, edi
                          jmp     ecx
       Relocation uses register EDI that contains the load address of the image.
       ORIGIN (in META) and &ORIGIN @ (in other code) will both contain 0 (zero)
       and NEXT and EXEC are built using EDI. (Note that the NEXT now has a slightly
       optimised EXEC at its tail to prevent register stall).
     Fixed Loadpoint
       Fixed EXEC is
                          jmp     [eax]
       Fixed NEXT is
                          mov     eax, 0 [esi]
                          add     esi, # 4
                          jmp     [eax]
       Fixed does NOT use EDI, as ORIGIN (or @ORIGIN @) of non-zero means that this
       has been built to load at that, AND ONLY THAT, address. It's much faster (25-30%)
       but cannot be moved in memory, and must be loaded at a specific address. EDI will
       contain 0, but NOTE -- other code will use EDI, and it is ESSENTIAL that it is 
       not changed elsewhere in the code.
     EXE vs DLL
     EXE files are loaded at specific addresses, and do not require relocation sections. Under
     all opsys except NT, this address is 0x00400000 (NT 0x00010000). Currently, because
     the C wrapper occupies that address, to build a FIXED loadpoint image requires that it
     is built elsewhere (for instance 0x00800000).
     DLLs require relocatability. Win32Forth doesn't build relocation sections for addresses
     so the relocatable code MUST be used, as the loadpoint can be anywhere.
     Advantages of this technique:
     1. Old code works fine with an origin of 0 (i.e. relocatable at run-time, use EDI). 
        EXE and DLL both supported, no change at all.
     2. New code with FIXED loadpoint (origin <>0) can build EXE files that run much
        faster, especially compute intensive, without requring optimisation. Can't build
        DLLs that do this however. Code is also shorter -- so kernel is smaller.
     No attempt has been made to optimise other code. For instance, @ is
        CODE @          ( a1 -- n1 )    \ get the cell n1 from address a1
                        mov     ebx, 0 [ebx] [edi]
                        next    c;
     There's not much to be gained by changing to <mov ebx, 0 [ebx]>.
     How to use
     1. Recompile the kernel;
           win32for fload src\meta.f SETSIZE BYE
        When prompted, change the ORIGIN to something like 0x00800000. During compile, 
        you should see this:
              Loading Meta Compiler...
              -- BETA META.F V3.1A --
              Metacompiler Loaded
              Loading FKERNEXT.F V3.1A Beta kernel extensions...
              --- Compiling FIXED LOADPOINT at 0x00800000
              Compiling the KERNEL...
              Unresolved references:
              *** No words Unresolved ***
              Target origin:               800000h
              Target size:                 35901
              Header origin:               8C0000h
              Header size:                 18384
              54285 bytes written to file FKERNEL.IMG
              Delaying: 5 seconds, press a key to HOLD
        Note the messages and origin addresses.
     2. Recompile WIN32FOr.EXE;
           fkernel fload src\extend.f 
        If you look at the top of the screen, you will see:
              Loading 486ASM/Win32Forth Interface File...
              -- BETA ASMWIN32.F V3.1A --
              Loading FKERNEXT.F V3.1A Beta kernel extensions...
              --- Compiling FIXED LOADPOINT at 0x00800000
     3. Recompile any other programs you might want, such as WINED.

Notes for version 2.9G

ANS File Words.
    Added the following ANS file words to the kernel:
        open-file create-file close-file read-file write-file
        delete-file rename-file file-position reposition-file
        file-append file-size flush-file read-line write-line
        resize-file file-status
    plus supporting words.
    The following XCALL based words are now OBSOLETE and will cause
    a compile time error if used:
    The corresponding n XCALL function will cause a runtime error:
        Error: XCALL for unallocated function
    ANSFILE reduced to non-key words, some changes to REGISTRY.F,
    UTILS.F and DC.F to remove obsolete words.
    Other future changes: file-status can cause errors, and needs 
    to be rewritten.
Memory words
    Added the following words to the kernel:
        allocate malloc free release realloc resize
        init-malloc term-malloc
    plus supporting words.
    Changes to the memory structure have been made to permit future
    enhancements for stand-alone PE header. Does not affect application
    code that sticks to the words above.
    All functions now use heap storage. All LocalAlloc etc calls which
    are a hangover from Win32S and 16 bit windows removed.
    PRIMUTIL.F changes to .mallocs word to produce more explanatory
        Abs-Addr  Rel-Addr     Bytes  HeapAddr  Type
        --------  --------  --------  --------  ----
        0013B638  FF86B644     8,192  00130000
        001396A0  FF8696AC     8,060  00130000
        00135060  FF86506C       260  00130000
        00136D70  FF866D7C    10,000  00130000
        --------  --------  --------  --------  ----
        Total allocated       26,512
    Type field (1 cell) is for later use, and currently only the
    default process heap is in use.
Cosmetic changes
    Some cosmetic changes to FKERNEL.F so I can find my way around a
    bit more easily:
    Moved up the 486ASM.F in EXTEND.F so that the assembler is available
    much earlier. Some code sections will be moved out of the kernel into a
    separate file to ease size of FKERNEL.F.
    One or two other cosmetic changes that I can't remember now. Not important.
XCALLs removed
    The following xcalls are now OBSOLETE and will cause run-time error:
          XCALL     Old function              New function
          -----     ------------              ------------
            10      malloc_x                    malloc
            11      free_x                      free
            12      open_file_x                 open-file
            13      close_file_x                close-file
            14      read_line_x                 read-line
            15      save_x                      fsave-file
           +16      load_library_x             *winlibrary
           +17      freelibrary_x              *free-library
           +18      get_proc_x                 *proc, *call
            24      getstartup_x                ( none )
            33      reposition_x                reposition-file
            47      realloc_x                   realloc
            63      seek_file_x                 file-position
            64      make_file_x                 create-file
            65      read_file_x                 read-file
            68      uppercase_x                 upper, uppercase
            69      lowercase_x                 lower, lowercase
            70      file_position_x             file-position
    Those marked with an *asterisk are not direct replacements, but provide
    similar functionality. Functions 16, 17, 18 should NOT be used, as they
    will be replaced shortly. In general, XCALLs should be avoided in app code.


Document $Id: p-relnotes.htm,v 1.1 2004/12/21 00:18:56 alex_mcdonald Exp $