To use these words you must load the file src/console/NoConsole.f first.
: MessageLoop ( -- ) \ W32F console
The message loop for the application.
Use this instead of: BEGIN KEY DROP AGAIN .
Also needs to be used by tasks that start their own windows.
: NoConsoleIO ( -- ) \ W32F console
Setup of the Console I/O for turnkey applications that don't need the console window.
: ResetConsoleIO ( -- ) \ W32F console
Reset of the Console I/O after saving an application that don't need the console window. Done automatically by TURNKEY and APPLICATION.
: NoConsoleInImage ( -- ) \ W32F console
Tell Imageman that we don't need the w32fconsole.dll if possible.
: Main ( -- ) \ things to do to start the application ... \ enter the message loop Turnkeyed? IF MessageLoop bye THEN ; turnkey? [if] \ Setup the console I/O NoConsoleIO \ Tell Imageman that we don't need the w32fconsole.dll. NoConsoleInImage \ Create the exe-file ' Main turnkey PlayVirginRadio.exe \ add the Application icon to the EXE file s" apps\PlayVirginRadio\Virgin.ico" s" PlayVirginRadio.exe" AddAppIcon 1 pause-seconds bye [else] s" apps\PlayVirginRadio\Virgin.ico" s" PlayVirginRadio.exe" AddAppIcon Main [then]
For a full working example see apps/PlayVirginRadio/PlayVirginRadio.f .
For an example of multi-tasking use see demos/MultiHello.f .
Document $Id: p-noconsole.htm,v 1.4 2007/05/26 10:24:11 dbu_de Exp $