This document is produced by TC X3J14 as its clarification of questions raised about ANSI X3.215-1994, American National Standard for Information Systems - Programming Languages - Forth.
The questions covered herein were raised by query
Q0005, regarding the definition of "initiation semantics".
There are four parts in this document:
Subject: Q0005 Request Recognized To: Date: Tue, 12 Sep 95 19:02:13 PDTThe following query has been assigned number Q0005 and has been tentatively assigned to Jim Rash for drafting a response. - Greg Bailey, by direction 950913 0159Z
I can not find the definition of " Initiation [semantics]" in the " 2.1 Definitions of terms" but see this term in " 6.1.0450 :", p.30.Best regards, Michael
Michael L. Gassanenko
[Co-author Elizabeth Rather
You will see it in 6.1.1250 DOES> as well. This describes the behavior of
a word defined by : or a DOES> word when it begins to execute. The
realization that this should be specified separately came rather late in
the process, and I believe you are correct that we have not defined this
term adequately. I am referring your comment to the TC to see whether they
feel something should be done, such as publishing a clarification.
Thank you for calling it to our attention.
Best regards, Michael
For similar reasons, the TC agrees that the standard should also include a
definition of the term "initiation semantics" in Section 2.1 Definitions
of Terms:
Within a given implementation, definitions created with : (colon) all have
the same initiation semantics. Similarly for all definitions created with
TC Reply to Q0005
From: Elizabeth Rather
Subject: Q0005R, Initiation Semantics, Official Response
To: X3J14 Technical Committee
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 96 14:09
Doc#: X3J14/Q0005R
Reference Doc#: X3.215.1994 ANS Forth
Date: February 19, 1996
Title: Response to Request for Interpretation Q0005, Initiation Semantics
I can not find the definition of "Initiation [semantics]" in the
" 2.1 Definitions of terms" but see this term in " 6.1.0450 :", p.30.
It is noted that the Technical Committee included, in Section 2.1 of the
standard, definitions of the terms "compilation semantics" and "execution
Michael L. Gassanenko
By way of further clarification, when a definition begins execution, the
system may perform implementation-dependent actions such as placing items
on the return stack to allow return to a calling definition. These actions
are invisible to a standard program except at certain points during the
execution of definitions created with : (colon) or :NONAME and during the
execution of the code following DOES>. At these points, the sole visible
result is the possible presence of the implementation-dependent _nest-sys_
on the return stack.
Letter Ballot
X3 Subgroup Letter Ballot
Authorized by X3 Procedures - Distributed by X3 Subgroup X3J14
Project: X3J14, ANS Forth
Doc#: X3J14/LB016
Reference Doc#s: X3J14/Q0005R, X3.215.1994 ANS Forth
Date: February 19, 1996
Title: Response to Request for Interpretation Q0005, Initiation Semantics
Ballot Period: 30 Days
Ballot Closes NOON DATE: March 21, 1996
Respond to:
or: Elizabeth D. Rather, Chair
111 N. Sepulveda Blvd. Suite 300
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
(310) 372-8493 FAX (310) 318-7130
Document X3J14/Q0005R contains a proposed Response to Request for
Interpretation Q0005.
Do you agree that this response represents the intended interpretation of
X3.215.1994 ANS Forth?
/------------------------ begin response area----------------------\
| YES____ NO____ ABSTAIN____
| Signature: [not required for email ballots]
| Name:
| Organization:
| Explanation (REQUIRED for NO or ABSTAIN votes):
Results of Letter Ballot
Letter ballot 16 closed at noon March 21 with the following results:
LB16: 10, 1, 1, 2
"No" vote on LB16 from L. Zettel, with the following comment:
| I agree with the explanation given for the meaning of "initiation
| semantics" and with the explanation for the committee's intent in
| the language of the standard.
| I do not agree with the declaration of intent to add a formal
| definition of "initiation semantics" to the Standard.
|>From: (Jonah Thomas)
|>What the original document said, in 3.4.3 Semantics, was 'The terms
|>"initiation semantics" and "run-time semantics" refer to definition
|>fragments, and have meaning only within the individual glossary
|>entries where they appear.'
Abstention from John Hayes.