
Control -- Class for child controls with subclassing.

Generic Control class

:Class Control          <Super Dialog&Control

Generic control class.
Since Control is a generic class it should not be used to create any instances.

:M GetParent:   ( -- parent )

Get the parent window of this control.

:M GetHandleOfParent: ( -- handleofparent )

Get the window handle of the parent window of this control.

:M SetID:       ( id -- )

Set the ID of this control. Normaly you don't need to do this, because every control get's an unique ID when it's created.

:M GetID:       ( -- id )

Get the ID of this control

:M ExWindowStyle: ( -- exstyle )

Get the extended window style of this control

:M WindowStyle: ( -- style )

Get the window style of this control

:M StartSize:   ( -- width height )

Get the start size of this control.
Override this method to change it.

:M StartPos:    ( -- left top )

Get the start position of this control.
Override this method to change it.

:M AutoSize:    ( -- )

Size the window to fit into the client area of the parent window.

:M CreateStruct: ( -- CreateStrucPointer )

This pointer to a structure, depends on what kind of window you are creating, so we just default it to NULL.


End of Control class

Document $Id: Control.htm,v 1.12 2007/05/26 10:24:12 dbu_de Exp $