
Documentation for 486ASM.F

Table of Contents


Copyright notice: 486ASM.F is copyrighted (c) 1994, 1995 by Jim Schneider, and distributed under the terms of the Free Software Foundation's Lesser General Public License for use with Win32Forth, and under the terms of the Free Software Foundation's General Public License for all other uses. See the file COPYASM.486.GPL (non-Win32Forth use) and COPYASM.486.LGPL (Win32Forth only).

The assembler files consist of 486ASM.F (the source code), ASMMAC.F (optional macros), VCALL.F (Win32FORTH specific calls to FORTH words), P-486ASM.HTM (this file), and COPYASM.486.LGPL (the license). The rest of the software in this distribution may or may not be under similar licenses. Please distribute all of the assembler files together. This file covers version 1.26. When distributing modified versions of this assembler, please make sure that all modifications are clearly labelled as such. 

Why 486ASM is under the FSF's GPL

I am currently distributing this assembler under the terms of the Free Software Foundation's General Public License for two related reasons. The first is that, while I respect and envy Tom Zimmer's skill at transmuting other's work into something that is convenient for him to use, this assembler is my baby, and I don't want him to mess with it too much. Since the GPL specifically permits (and actually encourages) that covered software be experimented with, as long as all distributed copies carry conspicuous notice of where they were modified, this allows Tom to hack away to his heart's content, but gives me ultimate control over what hackery I will support. 

Second, because I want this assembler to be useful to the widest range of users, I want the users to have some guarantee that they will be able to do just about whatever they want to with it, but I still want some control over the eventual outcome of the process.

Use in Win32Forth is under the LGPL

Specifically, for Win32Forth only, the assembler is issued under the LGPL; 

From Thu Nov 20 13:45:21 2003
Return-Path: <jpschxxx@xxxxx.comm>
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Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 13:45:20 -0800 (PST)
Subject: License status for the assembler
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From: Jim Schneider <>
X-Yahoo-Group-Post: member; u=75204588
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I've had an enlightening week at work, dealing with software with
multiple incompatible licenses. I've also come to realize that my
assembler can't be distributed with Win32Forth under the current
Therefore, I'm retroactively granting the right to all users who have
obtained the assembler in the past, and for those who may obtain it in
the future, as part of the Win32Forth distribution to use and
distribute it under the terms of the Lesser GPL (which is compatible
with the Win32Forth (lack-of) license).
This grant only applies to those who have obtained the assembler as
part of the Win32Forth distribution (seperate distribution still
covered by the regular GPL).
Could someone with convenient access to Usenet please forward this to
comp.lang.forth? Thanks.


This document assumes that the reader is familiar with both FORTH and assembly language programming on the Intel® platform.

Although the assembler is written for Andrew McKewan and Tom Zimmer's FORTH for Windows 95 and NT, it should be portable to other operating environments with minimal trouble. The author would love to hear about such ports.



Standard compliance

This program is substantially compliant with the ANS for the FORTH programming language, with these exceptions:

: NOOP ;

and TO is defined as:


then a working definition of +TO would be:


Unfortunately, this word has no standard implementation.



The source file (486ASM.F) must be somewhere that your FORTH system can find it. For Win32FORTH, this is the same directory in which the FORTH system files reside. To load the assembler in Win32FORTH, type (at the FORTH command line) "fload 486asm.f" Other FORTHs may be different. Check the documentation that came with your system. That's all there is to it.

To load the optional macro package "ASMMAC.F", the FORTH word calling routines in "VCALL.F", or the Win32 FORTH specific macros in "ASMWIN32.F", you must follow a similar process.

If you received this assembler as part of Tom Zimmer's and Andrew McKewan's FORTH for Windows 95 and NT, it's already installed. To install an updated version, you need to run the FORTH kernel and load the file "EXTEND.F". Currently, running the Windows command line (either from the Run... menu item or an icon) "FKERNEL FLOAD SRC\EXTEND.F BYE" does the trick.

Notes for users of FORTH systems other than Win32FORTH: If your system does not already contain an ASSEMBLER vocabulary, remove the parens around the phrase "( vocabulary assembler )" in the source code. The virtual call instructions assembled in "VCALL.F" probably won't work on your system without modification.


Creating primitives

The word CODE creates the header for an executable low-level word, puts the ASSEMBLER vocabulary in the search order, and does miscellaneous prep for assembly. By default, the assembly syntax is operator-operands (eg. MOV AX , BX). This can be changed by executing POSTFIX in the ASSEMBLER vocabulary, and changed back with PREFIX. Because of the timing considerations involved (prefix mode works by doing the assembly an instruction late), these words should be executed only before code is actually generated, or right after the word "A;". By default, the assembler generates 32 bit code. This can be changed by executing USE16 or USE32. These should also only be used before code is generated, or right after the word "A;". Operands must be separated with a freestanding comma (","). Numeric constants are assumed to be addresses unless they are preceded by a "#". Assembly is ended with the word END-CODE or ;C.

If you load the optional macro package "ASMMAC.F", commas can be combined with their preceding operands, provided that operand is not a numeric value.

For example, if you load "ASMMAC.F", the code fragment:


is equivalent to:


Creating subroutines

The word SUBR: creates the header for a subroutine in the ASSEMBLER vocabulary, puts the ASSEMBLER vocabulary in the search order, and does miscellaneous prep for assembly. The subroutine's header can only be found during subsequent assembly. Subsequent execution of the subroutine's name leaves the address of the subroutine on the stack. Other than that, the subroutine is treated exactly like a CODE definition, as far as the assembler is concerned.

Creating macros

The word MACRO: essentially does the same thing as the word :, with some chicanery with the search order. It also initializes the macro-scoped local labels (discussed below). MACROs are created in the ASSEMBLER vocabulary. Macros are ended with either ENDM or ;MACRO (or ;M, if you load the optional macro package ASMMAC.F). Since macros are essentially colon definitions, no (machine) code is actually generated by defining them, but rather by invoking them.

Because of the way parameters on the stack are handled by the assembler, any parameters to the macro should be saved onto the return stack before the first assembly instruction, and popped from it as needed. Register parameters *MUST* be removed from the operand stack and saved until they are needed. When they are to be used, they *MUST* be pushed back onto the operand stack. The words to do this are POP-OP and PUSH-OP. Finally, any non-assembly code *MUST* leave the stack balanced.

Unless the macro parses for its own parameters, the parameters have to be available before the macro is invoked. Note: passing in a local label to a macro won't work! The local label handler will assume that the label is used by the first instruction assembled after the label is invoked. However, parsing a local label out of the input stream and executing it in the macro will work.

The word /SET-POSTFIX safely sets the assembler syntax to postfix, and returns a flag to tell the which mode the assembler was in previously. The word RESET-SYNTAX restores the assembler syntax to the way it was before. Bracketing your macro code with "/SET-POSTFIX >R" and "R> RESET-SYNTAX" will insure that the macro is executed in postfix mode. The word /SET-PREFIX works similarly, and returns a flag that is compatible with /SET-POSTFIX. Because no machine code is generated until your macro is executed, I strongly suggest that your macros assume that the syntax is unknown until they explicitly set it.

Using local labels

Local labels can be used anywhere a branch destination address can appear. Local labels have two forms: definition scoped labels and macro scoped labels. Definition scoped label references have the form "@@n", where n is a digit from 1 to 9. Macro scoped label references have the form "@@Mn", where n is a digit from 0 to 9, or alternately, "L$n". Labels are bound to a particular address by word of the form "@@n:" for definition scoped labels and "@@Mn:" or "L$n:" for macro scoped labels. As the designation implies, definition scoped labels are "visible" throughout the entire definition in which they occur, including in any macros used in the definition. It's not an error to bind a label more than once. It is (usually) benign for a macro to reference a definition scoped label, but (usually) a bad idea for a macro to bind a definition scoped label. For example, in the code fragment:

	MOV 	ECX , # R>
@@1: 	LOOP 	@@1

CODE FOO ( -- )
	JMP @@1

the label @@1 is bound in the macro DELAY, which will cause FOO to go into an infinite loop. For this reason, the assembler also provides macro scoped labels. They can safely be used anywhere, including at definition scope. Since their scope disappears with the macro that invoked them, they can be the source of some subtle errors, however. For example, if one macro references a label but doesn't bind it, and another macro at the same lexical level references and binds the label, that binding will also be effective for the earlier macro. If the macros are reversed, the reference in the later macro will never be resolved.

The macro scoped labels come in two forms because Tom Zimmer is fond of the alternate syntax. The words "@@Mn" and "L$n", where n is the same digit for both, are identical, and similar remarks apply to "@@Mn:" and "L$n:". They are macro scoped because macro scoped labels are more flexible.

Also, binding a label in the middle of an instruction is a bad idea. Because the label binder forces the previous instruction to finish assembling, this code fragment:

ADD EBX, [EAX] @@1: [EDI]

will actually appear to the assembler as:

@@1: ADD [EDI] CL, 4 [EBP]

This kind of error (while obvious in this example) may (or may not) generate a "bad addressing mode" error. Although it is possible to bind a local label to the address of, say, a mod-r/m byte, it requires somewhat subtle hackery, and it's generally a fairly bad idea.

Also, the local labels are *code* labels. Currently, there is no way to create a local label to a data item (and I have no immediate plans to implement one...).

If you need more than 10 macro scoped local labels, increase the value MACRO-LABELS to the number of labels that you need, and use the words CREATE-MACRO-REF and CREATE-MACRO-BIND (in the ASM-HIDDEN vocabulary) to create the local label reference and binding words. Each takes a number from the stack. The numbers 0 through 9 are already in use, so the new reference and binding words must use parameters in the range 10 to the new value in MACRO-LABELS, minus one. By doing this, you also increase the space available for definition scoped local labels. The reference and binding words for definition scoped local labels are created with CREATE-REF and CREATE-BIND respectively (again, in the ASM-HIDDEN vocabulary). The words that control label scoping, referencing and binding are in the ASM-HIDDEN vocabulary. If you have deeply nested macros, you may also need to increase the constant LBMAX in the source code and recompile. If need more than 256 unresolved references to local labels, increase the constant FRMAX in the source code and recompile. "Out of the box", the assembler supports macros nested up to 28 levels deep.

Controlling error reporting

The error handling words are all DEFER-red. This is done, rather than having them check a status variable, to permit finer control over which errors are reported. The word NO-ERRORS turns off error reporting, while the word REPORT-ERRORS turns on error reporting. Error checking words can be turned on or off individually, with judicious hacking. Either of the built in words to control error handling and reporting will put the error checking words in a known state. If you need to individually turn off or on error words, I strongly encourage you to read the source code for both the error word itself and NO-ERRORS and REPORT-ERRORS so you know how many parameters your error handler is expected to deal with. Also, you can't turn off errors associated with table or stack overflows (currently dealing with forward referenced local labels and the operand stack) without either changing the source code or catching the interpreter that is running the assembler. As a final caveat, some of the "error handling" words also set flags in the assembler. One point: in postfix mode (the default) reports are delayed until after the next instruction in the code stream is encountered. This is due to the way that FORTH processes words. This is not a bug in the assembler.

Use as a cross-assembler

All of the words that generate actual code or headers to be found in the target are DEFER-red. The assembler can be retooled as a cross-assembler with minimal difficulty. Simply redirect all of the words that start with "CODE-" to use words that operate on the intended target address space. You will also have to define words analogous to CODE, ;CODE, END-CODE, and ;C to create headers in the target.

Of course, the cross-assembler will still only generate code for an x86.

I have also added the word REGISTER-REF to the ASM-HIDDEN vocabulary to facilitate out of scope forward references. This word takes a number and a type from the parameter stack and returns the number. It is called by the words that compile displacements and immediate data. The type values are also defined in ASM-HIDDEN. In the out-of-the-box assembler, REGISTER-REF just discards the type value. I have also added a word to make it easy to install a "registration agent". The word SET-REGISTER-REF in the FORTH wordlist takes an execution token from the top of the stack and installs it as REGISTER-REF.

There is also a word to process notifications on instruction boundaries. The word REGISTER-ASM is called just before an instruction is assembled. It will enable you to conveniently determine what is being compiled. This can be used, for example, to process special cases in an optomizing subroutine threaded FORTH system. For example, if your STC FORTH system uses the assembler for colon definitions, and you keep track of the last CALL instruction that was assembled, when you see a semicolon to terminate the definition, you can change the last CALL to a JMP, and suppress the assembly of a RET instruction. The word REGISTER-ASM is executed with the operand and parameter stacks set up for the assembly of the next instruction, with the top of the parameter stack containing the execution token of the word that will do the actual assembly on top of the argument to that word. It has to leave the stacks in such a state that the assembly can continue. If you remove the execution token on the stack, it has to be replaced with a new one, or you will raise an exeception, since the execution token is used immediately after REGISTER-ASM returns. The word SET-REGISTER-ASM in the FORTH wordlist can be used to revector REGISTER-ASM.

Calling FORTH words from assembly language

If you are using Win32FORTH, you can use the words defined in the file "VCALL.F" to call FORTH words from assembly language. The macro FCALL is defined to allow you to do this conveniently. It parses the input stream for a word name, and causes this code to be assembled:

MOV EAX, # (xt of word name)

If you are trying to call unnamed words, you must move the execution token of the word into the eax register yourself, and assemble a call to VCALL. VCALL expects that the eax register contains a valid execution token, and the top of the machine stack contains a valid return address.

Note: because FCALL parses the input stream, you must provide a word name. Also, this performs absolutely no error checking. Calling VCALL with a random value in EAX will almost certainly raise an exception.


On the misfeatures

Some bonehead errors won't be caught. Of course, if you wanted all of your boneheaded errors caught, you'd be programming in a boneheaded language... The solution supported by the assembler is simple: Don't DO that!

For example, using a local label as a data address won't be caught, and will mung your code. The reason: I didn't feel like coding RESOLVE to look for every single possible branch. It looks for 0e8h, 0e9h, or 0fh to decide if the offset is NEAR or SHORT. Since the 486 uses relative branches, the address put into the operand slot will be incorrect. And since almost all of the instructions that take memory operands also require a mod-r/m byte, BACKPATCH will be off by one, anyway...

Further, not all addressing modes are supported for all instructions. In particular, IMUL only supports the implied AL/AX/EAX, register/memory addressing mode. Also, instructions with implied operands don't handle them consistently when they are present in the code. For example, LODS will check for [SI] or [ESI], to determine the address size, but it won't check for AL, etc., and MUL only checks for AL, etc. if it can't determine the size of the second operand. This will (hopefully) be fixed in a later version.

A related problem is that the assembler doesn't fully screen all addressing modes. For example, the assembler will accept as perfectly reasonable the fragment "JMP CS: [ECX] @@1", which will be clobbered by the local label binder when @@1 is bound. Since it has a segment override (and maybe an address size prefix, which is accounted for in the local label binder), which is not one of the three cases the local label binder looks for as a NEAR offset, it will patch the opcode byte for JMP with the displacement from the mod-r/m byte to the bound address of @@1. The case when @@1 is already bound is not quite as spectacular, as @@1 will be used as a displacement from ECX, which will result in effectively "JMP CS:[ECX+@@1]". When the segment override is absent, the binder will patch the mod-r/m byte with the offset from the displacement field to the address of @@1. This is one of the class of the most spectacular errors that can be generated. Some coding errors actually generate valid object code. For example, the fragment "FIST QWORD [EAX]" will actually assemble as "FBSTP TBYTE [EAX]". Since FIST does not support a QWORD memory operand, the error is in the code, not the assembler.

Also, the assembler doesn't generate the world's tightest code. That's because the assembler is complicated enough without having it check for every special case. If there's both a register, reg/mem and an (e)ax, reg/mem form of the instruction, the register, reg/mem form will also work if the register is (e)ax. However, the assembler is smart enough not to assemble an unnecessary zero offset. Even so, just the support routines are larger than an 8086 assembler I wrote, which was more than twice as large as the first assembler I wrote. (Of course, most of that overhead is for things like local labels, flexible code generation, and flexible error handling... Still, the assembler is larger than any other source file in the Win32FORTH distribution, except for the fkernel.f file...)

Unsupported instructions

MMX, SEE and SSE2 mnemonics are not supported. Otherwise, all other Intel® documented assembly mnemonics are supported, but not all addressing modes are supported.


One of the truly wonderful things about FORTH is the ease with which bugs can be isolated and killed. During this project, the average time to design and enter 10k of source code was about 6 hours, while the average time to debug 10k of source code was about 1 hour. For a C program of comparable complexity, the times would be about 8 hours and 8 hours, respectively. (Of course, the average time to *document* 10k of source code was ...) Thus, FORTH code can be somewhat more bug free than comparable C code. Still, I'm virtually certain that somewhere in all my beautiful code someone will find a really obvious, obnoxious bug.

If you find a bug, I really want to hear about it, provided it is:

  1. Reproducible -- If I can't find it on my system, I can't fix it. At a minimum, I need to know which version of the assembler you are using, which FORTH it is running on, exactly what conditions cause it to manifest, and what you think the error is.
  2. Actually in my code -- If you (or someone else) modified the assembler, you're on your own. I'm sorry, but I really don't have time to wade through several pages of assembler source code to find that you mistook al for ax. As another caution: Tom's interpreter may do strange things with words that aren't found in the search order. For example, the word "L$11:", which is not defined in my assembler, but looks a lot like one of my local labels, will be interpreted as a method selector, and give you a truly strange error message.
  3. Actually a bug -- If the assembler incorrectly turns semantically well formed statements into machine code, that is a bug. However, although I tried to catch the most obvious errors, the assembler is free to create bogus machine code from semantically incorrect statements. This is not a bug of the assembler, but a problem with whoever tried to assemble the garbage in the first place. Related to this: turning off error reporting will leave the stack balanced if you encounter an error, but it will almost certainly produce bogus code.

To report a bug that fits the above conditions, send me e-mail to Please make bug reports as detailed as possible, and send it with a subject line of "bug report 486asm.f". If you don't have e-mail access, you can send a letter to me in care of Frank Hall, POBox 14162 Oakland, CA 94614. Since this method is slower (and more likely to cost me money), the e-mail method is preferred. I will reply to either in the same manner.

Enhancements, Bug fixes

If you have an enhancement or bug fix, I definitely want to hear from you. Send a diff with an indication of which version it applies to the e-mail address above. If you can't create a diff, compress and uuencode the entire (modified) assembler and e-mail it to me. If you don't have e-mail, you can mail me either a diff (hard copy or disc) or the entire assembler (disc only, please) at the US mail address given above. If I incorporate the change in a future version, you'll be the first to get a copy, and I'll acknowledge your contribution in the new version. If you send me an entire assembler, please clearly indicate what was changed and why. If you send me a hard copy of an entire assembler, however, it will probably be a loooong time before I get a chance to look at it. I can only read 3.5" PC floppies.

Version history


The glossary has been removed from the distribution as being hopelessly out of date.


Document $Id: p-486asm.htm,v 1.1 2004/12/21 00:18:55 alex_mcdonald Exp $