
HTMLcontrol -- HTML control

This class is using the MSHTML ActiveX control so you must install the MS Internet Explorer to use it.


:CLASS HTMLControl           <SUPER AXControl

HTML control class.

:M Start: ( Parent -- )

Start the control

:M GetLocationURL:      ( -- str len )

Retrieves the URL of the resource that the browser is currently displaying.

:M GetLocationName:     ( -- str len )

Retrieves the name of the resource that the browser is currently displaying.

:M GetType:     ( -- str len )

Retrieves the type name of the contained document object.

:M Busy?:       ( -- flag )

Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the browser is engaged in a downloading operation or other activity.

:M Offline?:    ( -- flag )

Retrieves a Boolean value indicating whether the browser is currently operating in offline mode.

:M GoURL:       ( str len -- )

Navigates to a resource identified by a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or to the file identified by a full path.

:M SetURL:      ( zUrl -- )

Navigates to a resource identified by a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or to the file identified by a full path.

:M GoHome:      ( -- )

Navigates to the current home or start page.

:M GoSearch:    ( -- )

Navigates to the current search page.

:M GoForward:   ( -- )

Navigates forward one item in the history list.

:M GoBack:      ( -- )

Navigates backward one item in the history list.

:M Refresh:     ( -- )

Reloads the file that the browser is currently displaying.

:M Stop:        ( -- )

Cancels any pending navigation or download operation and stops any dynamic page elements, such as background sounds and animations.


End of HTML control class

Example (demos\HtmlControlDemo.f)

needs HtmlControl.f

\ Create a simple browser window
:class Browserwin <super window

HTMLcontrol html

:M On_Init: ( -- )
        On_Init: super
        self Start: html ;M

:M On_Size: ( h m w -- )
        2drop drop autosize: html ;M

:M GoURL:             ( str len -- ) GoURL: html ;M
:M GetLocationURL:    ( -- str len ) GetLocationURL: html ;M
:M GetLocationName:   ( -- str len ) GetLocationName: html ;M
:M Busy?:             ( -- flag )    Busy?: html ;M
:M Offline?:          ( -- flag )    Offline?: html ;M
:M GetType:           ( -- str len ) GetType: html ;M

:M Wait:        ( -- )
\ Wait until the browser has finished all
\ downloading operation or other activity.
        begin winpause
              Busy?: self 0=
        until ;M


BrowserWin bwin

: test
        \ start the window
        start: bwin

        \ let the browser load a document
        Offline?: bwin
        if   s" doc\p-index.htm" Prepend<home>\
        else s"\doc\p-index.htm"
        then GoURL: bwin

        \ wait until browser is ready
        Wait: bwin

        \ display some information about the document
        cr GetLocationURL: bwin type
        cr GetLocationName: bwin type
        cr GetType: bwin type
; test

Document $Id: HTMLcontrol.htm,v 1.11 2007/05/26 10:24:12 dbu_de Exp $